
Innovation project: Testing and certification of MERCI G laboratory fume hoods

  • Date: 31.10.2024
  • Author: Jiří Skoupý

MERCI, s.r.o. has launched an innovative project as part of its own R&D activities entitled "Tests and certification of MERCI G laboratory fume hoods" with registration number CZ.01.01.01/05/23_009/0004323. The aim of this project is to assess the conformity of laboratory fume cupboards MERCI G 1200, MERCI G 1500, MERCI G 1800, MERCI G 2100 with the requirements of the ČSN EN 14175-7:2012 standard Fume cupboards — Part 7: Fume cupboards for high temperature loads and acid concentrations. The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Project start date: 1. 8. 2024.

Project expected end date: 1. 2. 2025.

In accordance with the requirements of the ČSN EN 14175-7:2012 standard, the investigation team will perform the following services on the MERCI®G 1200, MERCI®G 1500, MERCI®G 1800, MERCI®G 2100 laboratory fume cupboards:

  • Assessment of documentation and marking
  • Assessment of materials used
  • Performance of worktop load test
  • Performance of work window tests
  • Verification of indicator functionality
  • Performance of lighting test
  • Performance of detection tests
  • Performance of ventilation tests

The investigation team from the tests and assessments will prepare a Test Report (4 reports in total) for each laboratory fume cupboard and, based on the evaluation of compliance with the requirements of the ÄŒSN EN 14175-7:2012 standard, will issue a Certificate (4 certificates in total) for each laboratory fume cupboard.

The service provider is:

  • Testing Laboratory No. 1045.1, accredited body according to the standard ÄŒSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (see Accreditation Certificate No. 106/2024 dated 1. 3. 2024)
  • Certification body certifying products No. 3040, accredited body according to the standard ÄŒSN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013 (see Accreditation Certificate No. 674/2023 dated 18. 12. 2023)